A carrd with uncommon endogenic system/member origins that may not have their own page on the multiplicity database/tumblrSpirentus,


By: Nova & SachiThis is an origin, this origin is formed through different means. These types are beings who come from somewhere external and were not created by the headspace or created by human mentality.How a spirentus forms:1. Normal (Most common): A being takes over a Human body between the age of 1 and 4. Why? Because that's the best time for a being to take over due to the soul not being high or fully matured etc. Can it happen older? Yes, but usually never ends well- this will be mentioned next.2. Not Common (Unwise): Some beings take over human bodies when they're older, which causes a few issues. One issue is that they may fuse with the soul and turn the human into a In-human. It then becomes a never-ending fight between the two beings. The two can stop fighting and co-exist together, but this isn't common due to most beings hatred for humans. Secondly, depending who is more dominant one they will take over and fuse. If the human wins, then they gain everything that the In-human being had or vice versa, but the In-human loses nothing and becomes the permanent host.3. Uncommon: Dormancy is different for us spirentus. Being dormant isn't bad for us (depending on how long you stay dormant) as it's a common practice to go dormant. The times you are dormant are when you are moved however. This is how some Guardians will hide you by carrying you to either an adult, child or baby human vessel, which doesn't cause the first two issues. When this occurs, the In-human continues to sleep until something triggers the being to wake up.How to tell if you're a spirentus1. all can sense others/beings, the degree of this can change as it depends on how developed it is but still even undeveloped there is a sense that they are there.2. Connects in talking with others from outside the body. Not needing them to be merg with you.3. You feel like you're from somewhere else, you will have Visions or dreams of being at home with an other.4. You will hear or feel the Scale energy be balanced or unbalanced when you're here some will have this some may not.5. Technology can go funny I guess when there's lots around or a strong other around but idk if that's helpful.